Wednesday 5 December 2012

So I was diagnosed a little while ago as a type II diabetic (I'll share more on that diagnosis later), and I wanted to keep a diary of what I'm doing to bring my sugars under control.

'Why keep that private' I thought, if I make it public I'll have extra motivation to suceed.  We'll see from now how that pans out.

I want to talk about the questions I had when diagnosed, which will pretty much be the questions most have.  What answers are out there - it's amazing how much you can find on the internet and how much of it is potentially wrong!  What my experience is like with my GP, local NHS and other support services that are out there.  How (if) I've changed my lifestyle - from diet to exercise etc.  And I especially want to explore what you can and can't eat and drink - the obsession I've developed with food labels and sugar levels is astonishing!

So my postings will be sporadic, useful probably to nobody but me, but who knows, might keep me motivated to change for good.

In any case, if you happen to stumble across this, ask me a question and if I can answer I will.  note that I am not and will not claim to be an expert - everyone is different and this is about my experiences.

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